
The origins of Fondation Hirondelle are in a visit to Rwanda in the spring of 1994 by a reporter by the name of Philippe Dahinden of Reporters without Borders. Dahinden was one of the first reporters to assess the scale of the genocide, an experience that compelled him to act. Joining forces with two colleagues from Switzerland, Radio Agatahsya (“Radio Hirondelle”, or sparrow) was created to serve the population with independent and professional news.

Since then, Fondation Hirondelle has worked in many countries, supplying information where it is missing, countering and correcting rumors and fighting propaganda. Each time a new project is launched, it responds to a specific need as identified by the population on the ground.

Hirondelle USA was founded to provide a US base from which to support the creation and sustainability of Fondation Hirondelle media. A small group of committed individuals from media, academics, venture capital and development saw the need to tap into US creativity and know how, and to American philanthropy so as to enable resources for new project development and project enhancement through technical, financial and management support.

Board of Directors


  • Max Morel, President
  • Anne Bennett - Secretary
  • Mulan Aswin - Tresurer
  • Caroline Vuillemin- co-opted non voting member